Shiloh Church of the Brethren

(Church of the Brethren church in Kasson, WV)

1789 South Shiloh Road, Kasson, West Virginia

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Location of Worship

1789 South Shiloh Road Kasson West Virginia 26405 Jump to map

Service Times

Our Regularly Scheduled Programs

Sunday School at 10:00 am
Worship Service at 11:00 am
Bible Study, Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Women's Fellowship, 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Annual Homecoming, 1st Sunday of August (All Day)

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 304-457-2634 / 304-788-0013 Call Office: Send Fax: Email Todd Mouser Visit Website

(last updated on the 8th of March, 2021)

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About Shiloh Church of the Brethren

  • Who Are The Folks At SHILOH

    A rural setting at the western base of Laurel Mountain is home for the Shiloh Congregation. 1845 is the accepted date for the formal founding of Shiloh; however there are records of preachings, baptisms and gatherings several years previous.

    Throughout the earlier days of our history, the congregation was led by plural free ministry. 1977 brought an end to the free ride, and the first part-time salaried minister was contracted. That arrangement exists to this day.

    Today, the congregation has a newly rebuilt church comprised of members from all walks of life. Several that moved to the cities for their life's vocation, have retired and come back home. We take pride in our mountain heritage. Our sanctuary will accommodate 120; however our active congregation numbers about 45.

    As the people of the rest of the world generally believe that we of the Alleghenies are a rather slow lot, we pay it no mind. Our community is one others dream of and wish they could be a part of. John Denver sang a song about "Almost Heaven West Virginia." As Walter Brennan's line on The Real McCoys went, "Ain't brag, just fact!"

Shiloh Church of the Brethren Photos

Other Church Leaders


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Children and Youth Activities


  • Souperbowl Offering
    Sweetheart Banquet
    One Great Hour of Sharing
    Revival Services
    Love Feast and Communion
    Love Feast and Communion
    Easter Sunrise Service - Followed with Breakfast
    Vacation Bible School
    Vesper Service
    Song Fest
    Apple Butter Making
    Hay Ride and Pizza Party
    Chili Cook-Off
    Food Collection for Needy
    Christmas Candy Making
    Christmas Fruit Baskets
    Operation Christmas Child
    Birthday Party for Jesus
    Christmas Program
    Prayer Chain
    Monthly Newsletter, 'The Star'

Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
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Shiloh Church of the Brethren Location Map

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