Highland Covenant Church

15022 Bel-Red Rd, Bellevue, Washington

Evangelical churches in Bellevue, Washington

Highland Covenant Church, Bellevue, Washington, United States
Highland Covenant Church, Bellevue, Washington, United States

Location of Worship

15022 Bel-Red Rd
United States

Service Times

Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages: 11:00 a.m.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 425.746.7676
Call Office: 425.746.7676
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Highland Covenant Church

Who We Are

Highland Covenant Church is a community of all ages and walks of life committed to following Jesus Christ together.

What We Believe

As a member church of the Evangelical Covenant Church, we affirm the following:
- The centrality of the word of God
- The necessity of the new birth
- A commitment to evangelism, compassion, and justice
- The church as a community of believers
- Conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit
- The reality of freedom in Christ
- To learn more, you can go to www.covchurch.org/affirmations

What We Do

Our common life is organized around four main activities:
- Inviting people into a relationship with God and God’s people (the Church)
- Including people as full members of the community
- Growing together in our faith
- Going out to share the good news in word and deed

How We Do It

We build relationships marked by:
Grace: Loving others gracefully as God loves us in Christ.
Servanthood: Humbly putting others first.
Honesty: Telling the truth in love about ourselves and each other.
Trust: Believing the best about each other and supporting church leadership.
Hospitality: Welcoming others into our lives, particularly those different from us or difficult for us.

Our Current Focus

After time spent in prayer and conversation, we concluded that in this season God has called us to invest significant time, energy, and resources to the following purpose: “As the body of Christ at Highland, we will reach the Crossroads community by focusing on children and their families.”

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information