St Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Parish

1606 South 1000 West, Salt Lake City, Utah

Orthodox Church in America churches in Salt Lake City, Utah

St Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Parish, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
О.Милан Драговић са учесницима Светосавске Академије за 2014 годину
БАДЊЕ ВЕЧЕ 2016 - Вечерња служба
Свеправославно сабрање верних у Солт Лејк Ситију
Сликање са Св. Николом 22.12.2013

Location of Worship

1606 South 1000 West
Salt Lake City
United States

Service Times

Raspored bogosluzenja za predstojece praznike:

- Badnje vece- 18:00 Veliko povecerje sa tradicionalnim paljenjem badnjaka, zajednickim posluzenjem i druzenjem sa Vladikom Maksimom.

- Bozic - 08:00 Svecana Bozicna Liturgija koju ce sluziti Vladika Maksim. Nakon Liturgije zajednicki Bozicni dorucak.

- Sveti Arhidjakon Stefan,9 januar - 09:30 - Sveta Liturgija

- Nedelja, 14 januar 10:00 Sveta Liturgija - Fr. Justin

- Bogojavljenje, 19. januar - 09:30 - Sveta Liturgija - Prota Lazar Vasiljevic

- Jovandan, 20. januar - 09:30 - Sveta Liturgija sa blagosiljanjem slavskih kolaca - Prota Lazar Vasiljevic

- Nedjelja, 21. januar - 10:00 Sveta Liturgija

- Savindan, 27. januar - 09:30 - Sveta Liturgija - Jeromonah Porfirije

- Nedelja, 28. januar- 10:00 - Sveta Liturgija - Jeromonah Porfirije

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 385-228-4725
Call Office: 801 864 1765
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About St Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Parish

St Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Parish welcomes Christians and those who seek to connect to Christianity in the Salt Lake City area.

We aim to make contact with and encourage others to join us in our life-changing Christian journey.

We are a friendly Christian community where we welcome others to join us in our worship and service to God.

Our vision is to make an impact for God, here in Salt Lake City, Utah by helping people understand the enriching messages of eternal hope given to us by Jesus Christ through His words and deeds.

Everyone is welcome, no matter your age, beliefs, or background. Come just as you are - we'd love to get to know you better.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information