He Sapa New Life

415 Mac Arthur St, Rapid City, South Dakota

Wesleyan churches in Rapid City, South Dakota

He Sapa New Life, Rapid City, South Dakota, United States
He Sapa New Life, Rapid City, South Dakota, United States

Location of Worship

415 Mac Arthur St
Rapid City
South Dakota
United States

Service Times

Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.

Sunday School for ages 3 to 18 during the worship time

Join us for a meal after the worship service.

We are a healing and wellness tiospaye. Please join us to hear the good news of Chief Cornerstone Jesus.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 605-391-1507
Visit Website

About He Sapa New Life

At He Sapa New Life, we celebrate the work the Creator has done in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to bring hope, forgiveness, and restoration to people of all tribes - especially among the Lakota People.

We believe Jesus Christ entered our world to reconcile us to God. As Creator, He is above all Cultures; as Savior, He redeems all Cultures; as the Word, He communicates through all Cultures.

Take some time, look around: whether you are looking for a local church, service opportunities, giving opportunities or just information about God's moving amoung the Lakota. We do what we do because we believe God loves ALL people!

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information