Foster Creek Baptist Church

901 Foster Creek Road, Hanahan, South Carolina

Baptist churches in Hanahan, South Carolina

Foster Creek Baptist Church, Hanahan, South Carolina, United States
Thrive Teens

Location of Worship

901 Foster Creek Road
South Carolina
United States

Service Times

Sunday School - 10:00 am
Our Sunday School is a time for each age group to study the Bible on their level. We dismiss at 10:45 am. Fellowship briefly afterwards or come right on into the auditorium. As you enter the main assembly area, our pianist or organist plays hymns to prepare our hearts for worship.

Morning Worship - 11: 00 am
Our Sunday morning worship service is held in the church auditorium and dismisses around 12:15 pm. Don’t be surprised if folk want to chat with you afterwards and get to know you!

Evening Worship - 5:00 pm
On Sunday nights we gather once again to worship the Lord at 5:00 pm. We dismiss around 6:15 pm. You will often find our folk like to stay afterwards and spend time talking and enjoying each other’s company.

Wednesday Night - 7:00 pm
On Wednesday night, adults gather for a mid-week service in the auditorium. For our children ages three through sixth grade, our Kids 4 Truth program runs 6:45 pm -8:15 pm during the school year. Our Thrive Teens (junior-high and senior high teens) also meet from 6:45 pm - 8:15 pm.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 843-277-2007
Email Pastor
Visit Website

About Foster Creek Baptist Church

Our Identity

Our Core Values

Our tag line is a succint summary of our core pillars - "the family of God built upon the Word of God to the glory of God." Our objective is to see children, teens, and adults coming to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and then to grow in spiritual maturity in the knowledge of their Savior so they become His followers who accurately reflect the character of God in their lives. The ministries of our church are geared towards that end.

The Bible teaches us that the purpose for the church's existence and its mission on earth is to bring glory to God. God's Word is the authoritative means whereby we learn about the many splendored excellencies of God's nature and how we can live so as to exalt Him above all else. So not only has God given to us an infallible, inerrant, completed revelation of Himself but also of His plan for man in the sixty-six books that comprise both the Old and New Testaments. Therefore, in our worship and in our ministries, the teachings of the Scriptures become the standard for what we do and how we operate. Our desire is to be Christ-exalting, Scripture-focused, and others-reaching.

We Are an Independent Baptist Church.

By independent, we simply mean we are not affiliated with nor controlled by any denomination. One of the Baptistic distinctives we embrace is that the local assembly of born-again believers ought to be autonomous or self-governing. We have a congregational form of government with deacons and a pastor in leadership positions.

We Are a Fundamental Ministry.

Current events have made many associate the name "fundamental" with extremist groups that are known for their terrorist activities or with groups that are known for strange and unorthodox practices. The term itself originated earlier in American history with roots in the early 20th century when the Modernist (Liberal)/Conservative theological battles were raging. So like those conservatives of that era who embraced and proclaimed the God-inspired teachings of both the Old and New Testaments, we embrace the following essential, non-negotiable doctrines of God’s Word:

The Bible

We believe in the divine inspiration of the sixty-six books of the Bible, comprised of both the Old and New Testaments and that they are supremely authoritative for us today in matters of faith and practice.


We believe in the creation of man by the direct act of God and a literal six day creation of the universe and everything in it.

Jesus Christ

We believe in the full deity of Jesus Christ, co-equal with the Father in essence, in power and glory.

The Incarnation

We believe in the incarnation (God became man with a real body and sinless human nature) and the virgin birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Atonement

We believe in His substitutionary atonement for the sins of men by the shedding of His blood on the cross and His power to rescue men from sin’s penalty, its dominion, and ultimately its presence.

The Resurrection of Christ

We believe in the literal resurrection of Christ’s body from the tomb.

The New Birth

We believe that the new birth, being born again, comes only through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit wholly apart from man’s goodness or good works.

Eternal Life

We believe that the gift of eternal life comes only by the grace (the undeserved favor) of God, and is received by faith in Christ and His finished work alone.

The Second Coming of Christ

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will literally return one day to earth--personally, bodily, and visibly.

The Future of the Saved and Unsaved

We believe in the future resurrection of the righteous to eternal life with Christ and the future resurrection of the unrighteous to eternal suffering and separation from God in the Lake of Fire.

Location Map


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Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information