Dayspring Fellowship

1755 Lockhaven Dr NE, Keizer, Oregon

Non-denominational churches in Keizer, Oregon

Dayspring Fellowship, Keizer, Oregon, United States
Christmas Production 2005
Pfau Farm Picnic

Location of Worship

1755 Lockhaven Dr NE
United States

Service Times

Worship Service Times

Sunday at 9:00am
Sunday at 10:45am

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 503.390.3900
Call Office: 503.390.3900
Send Fax: 503.393.3920
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Dayspring Fellowship

Our Vision & Values

What we do here:

“We lead people to follow Jesus.”

We can turn this succinct motto into a vision statement by elaborating on each word:


What we do is not accomplished by the paid professionals alone. Ephesians 4:12 says that pastors and teachers are to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry—that means that all our members are ministers! We are all in the ministry together. Everyone has a role. Everyone can be part of what we do.

We lead…

To lead is to influence. Leadership takes initiative to make an impact.

We lead. We don’t push. We don’t drive cattle; we lead sheep.

We lead. We don’t entertain. Art, humor and music are not ends in themselves but valuable ways to point people to the cross.

We lead. We don’t placate. We don’t exist to make people feel better about themselves, although most do. God is our only customer we seek to please.

We lead up close and personal, not from a safe distance. We lead with our lives. We extend ourselves to serve people physically, accept them socially, comfort them emotionally, engage them intellectually, and challenge them spiritually, all for God’s sake.

We lead people…

What kind of people? Old ones and young ones. Poor people and rich people. Troubled ones and healthy ones. Anyone! We are intentional about lovingly influencing anyone God sends across our path for Jesus Christ.

We lead people to follow…

This implies movement.

We don’t influence people to sit, but to come alive and grow.

We lead people to follow Jesus.

This is what Jesus commissioned us to do. Matthew 28:18-20 doesn’t record the Great Suggestion. It is our commission, our calling; a formal communication of our responsibility to make disciples. With Christ’s full authorization and promised presence, we lead people to actually follow Jesus…not to follow rules or a certain political party. It’s all about Jesus. We are Christ-centric in our aim. He is in the crosshairs; He is the focal point of our direction. Everything we do at Dayspring Fellowship aligns to move people toward Jesus.

What we value:

Our church elders have affirmed our core values in just four words.

1. Truth: God’s Word is the basis of our beliefs, the standard for our actions, and the content of our teaching. All we are and do is rooted in reality as God defines it.

2. Love: We respond to God’s grace with love for God expressed in obedience, prayer and worship and with love for others expressed in authentic, edifying community and sacrificial service.

3. Evangelism: We communicate God’s truth in love with initiative and integrity.

4. Discipleship: We emphasize transformation and call people to spiritual growth.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information