Columbia Bible Presbyterian Church

33342 Southwest Meadow Drive, Scappoose, Oregon

Presbyterian churches in Scappoose, Oregon

Columbia Bible Presbyterian Church, Scappoose, Oregon, United States

Location of Worship

33342 Southwest Meadow Drive
United States

Service Times

Our Worship

Education Hour: Sunday 10:00 am

Worship Service: Sunday 11:15 am

Location: Scappoose Senior Center

(Close to HWY-30 in Scappoose, Oregon)

NOTE: Worship Service start time was changed to 11:15 am as of July 4, 2010!

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (503) 543-2017
Email Pastor
Visit Website

About Columbia Bible Presbyterian Church

What We Believe

We are a reformed, confessional, evangelical church. Our first General Synod adopted the Westminster Standards in 1938*. Our constitution, which we regard as our doctrinal standard, subordinate to the Holy Scriptures, includes:

The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Westminster Larger Catechism
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
Our Form of Government
Our Book of Discipline

We believe the 66 books of the protestant Holy Bible were given by inspiration of God himself, to be our perfect rule of faith and life.

Core to our doctrine is Covenant Theology, which unites all of God's revelation and by which we are invited to claim Abraham as our father, not biologically but spiritually by our common faith. Ancient Israel and our church share the same promises of God through our common faith in God's messiah, the second Adam, whose righteousness is imputed to us according to the perfect will of God.

We believe that man, since the fall, is so removed from God that we cannot in ourselves even approach Him.

God, in His infinite mercy, humbled himself as Jesus the Christ, our savior, whose perfect obedience is imputed to the Father's chosen people from all time without fail, whereby we can boldly come before the Father as His adopted sons.

Jesus' ascension did not leave us alone. The Holy Spirit, who marks all those in the Book of Life, works in us, Christ's body, through the proclamation of the Word, prayer, and the Sacraments, to sanctify us and preserve us.

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