St Paul Lutheran Church

336 W Main St, Cardington, Ohio

Lutheran churches in Cardington, Ohio

St Paul Lutheran Church, Cardington, Ohio, United States
St Paul Lutheran Church, Cardington, Ohio, United States
The altar
Hanging of the Greens

Location of Worship

336 W Main St
United States

Service Times

Sunday mornings at St. Paul during coronavirus pandemic
9:00 AM & 10:15 AM, Worship Services
Refreshments outdoors following each service, weather permitting
Sermon Q&A and HisKids groups canceled until further notice

Staying safe

We continue to deal creatively and responsibly with the coronavirus pandemic. Here is what we are doing to keep everyone as safe as possible as you return to church services.

Two worship services each week, 9:00 AM and 10:15 AM

This naturally reduces the number of people in the building at any one time, enabling us to spread people out by skipping every other row of pews. It also gives our members and friends an earlier service option which many of you have welcomed.

An abbreviated worship format

The major elements of a service of the word are in our weekly services. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday each month. Less time in the building means less exposure to anyone else’s virus.

Use of face coverings

We ask you to use a face covering while in the building unless you keep a generous amount of space between yourself and others. We provide single use masks for those who need them. We have not made masks absolutely mandatory because some who attend have reduced lung capacity and are advised by their doctor not to use a mask. Consultation with healthcare professionals has led us to conclude that if only a few people in the building are not masked, and there is plenty of room for social distancing, and we do not linger long in hallways and other small spaces, we are adequately protected.

Online sermons

We post an online message on our website ( and on FaceBook each week for our members and friends locally who are not yet ready to come to the public services, and for many new friends around the country.

All blessings,
Pr. Steve Dennis

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (614) 530-1011
Call Office: (419) 864-8369
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About St Paul Lutheran Church

St Paul Lutheran Church in Cardington, Ohio is a Christian congregation serving the Cardington community and seeking, engaging, and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.

We seek to be a loving, friendly community that worships God, and serves others. We place a high priority on teaching from the Bible and following the example of Jesus.

Our vision is to impact and renew Cardington and beyond with the transforming message of Jesus Christ through words and actions.

Come as you are - we'd love to get to know you.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information