Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church

3799 Hyde Park Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio

United Methodist churches in Cincinnati, Ohio

Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Sunday worship at Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church
Baldwin Music Education Center
Confirmation Class 2015
HPB Takes a Field Trip Cincinnati Museum Center

Location of Worship

3799 Hyde Park Avenue
United States

Service Times

Sunday Service - 10:45AM

A word about worship -- Relax!
At Hyde Park Bethlehem you are among friends you haven't yet met. We are glad you are here. God cares about you.
The second word at Hyde Park Bethlehem is -- Participate!
Worship is not a spectator sport. We invite you to sing the songs, participate in the prayers, enjoy the silence and join us in greeting each other in the name of the Lord. We understand that God is not just "up there" and "out there" but in our neighbors! So we encourage you to greet your neighbors (you may find a new friend).
We invite you to receive the bread and juice of Holy Communion. You are included regardless of age, faith status or church membership.

Sunday Bible Study Classes - 9:30 to 10:30AM

We offer a variety of classes for all ages each Sunday morning prior to Sunday Service. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, please join us for Christian education in a relaxed and friendly environment to grow in faith.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (513) 531-5845
Call Office: (513) 531-5845
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church

Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church (HPBUMC) might be that very place! We meet on Sunday for worship and we run activities during the week for all ages - including infants, toddlers, youth, and those who are retired. While worship is the center of what we do, we have a commitment to making connections with people through many community organizations. Our doors are opened. Come in and join us!

Who Are We?

We are followers of Jesus who find value in the Methodist tradition. We are connected to a larger group of followers of Jesus who believe that connected we can do more for our brothers and sisters -- whether feeding the hungry, advocating for children, opposing unjust systems or sharing the good news that we find in Jesus the Christ.

We understand that scripture is our primary source for growing in faith, but we also consider the ancient Christian traditions and scholarly discoveries as well as our own heart experiences. We believe that scripture is best understood and acted out in community.

And we take seriously what Jesus said and what Jesus did when he fed people, healed people, taught people and accepted them where they were in their lives.

We believe in doing no harm, doing good and staying in love with God. We believe that we grow in faith by studying the scriptures, worshiping God, and serving our neighbors.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information