Columbia Heights United Methodist Church

775 Galloway Road, Galloway, Ohio

United Methodist churches in Galloway, Ohio

Columbia Heights United Methodist Church, Galloway, Ohio, United States
Sunday worship at Columbia Heights UMC
Easter Egg Hunt 2017

Location of Worship

775 Galloway Road
United States

Service Times

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - Contemporary Praise and Worship; Family Life Center

A contemporary service which has a more casual style and takes place at the start of your day. We welcome you to sit back with a cup of coffee or bring in a cup from your favorite java house. You will be able to enjoy our praise style music, it's not rock, it's not hymns, it's upbeat music performed by our band. You are welcome to stand and sing along. We provide radical hospitality so stop by and see why we are the church where friends are made.

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Traditional Worship; Main Sanctuary

The traditional service, is traditional in terms of hymns, liturgy, choir, etc., but personable and relaxed in feel. With our piano and organ it has a mix of historic and modern music. This service connects with folks who grew up in church and bridges the traditions of the past with the current culture in which we all live. Come worship with friends!


Due to the growing concern we have decided that to ensure the safety of our congregation that we will not have church service this Sunday. The church will be closed until further notice that way we can clean and sanitize the facility to help ensure the safety of or church family, friends, and staff. If you have any questions please email: and we can assist you that way. Be safe and God bless!

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (614) 878-4530
Call Office: (614) 878-4530
Send Fax: (614) 878-1877
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Columbia Heights United Methodist Church

Welcome to where friends are made!

We'd love to have you here with us!

Columbia Heights is a collection of several hundred people who are seeking to be both a friend of God and a friend to the people around us.

MISSION: To make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

VISION: To provide places and ways to develop friendship with God and with each other.

“DISCIPLE”: A person who follows Jesus as their savior and leader as they love God and love people.


1) Radical Hospitality that makes people feel at home.

2) Passionate Worship that is multigenerational and locally relevant, in various styles and environments.

3) Faithful Service that is transformational at home and around the world.

4) Extravagant Generosity that includes sharing our faith, love, time, talent, and treasure.

5) Purposeful Spiritual Growth that includes all ages and is intentionally Methodist.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information