Ascension Lutheran Church

6481 Old Canton Rd, Jackson, Mississippi

Lutheran churches in Jackson, Mississippi

Ascension Lutheran Church, Jackson, Mississippi, United States
Easter Disciples...our annual Easter 'family' photo of Ascension's Children & Youth
Worship Choir
Serving the Community - Our Youth serve annually at LESM's Let's Eat Shrimp
Pastor's Children's Sermon

Location of Worship

6481 Old Canton Rd
United States

Service Times

Worship Times

Sunday Schedule

Sunday School 9:00 a.m.

Worship 10:00 a.m.

Our worship service is based on the ancient liturgy of the church set to music that is modern but dignified, lending itself to joyful celebration but also promoting a sense of mystery and spiritual reflection.

Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10) and Wednesdays of Lent (Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 2, 9, 16)

Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent with prayer, scripture, and the imposition of ashes (a sooty cross marked on one's forehead).

Following Wednesdays of Lent continue with the liturgy for Evening Prayer and a brief study led by the pastor, this year focused on Luther's Small Catechism.

Holy Week and Easter 2016

Thursday - March 24: Maundy Thursday
Service at 6:30 p.m.

The word Maundy comes from the Latin mandatum, which means 'commandment.' At the Last Supper, Jesus gave the disciples a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them (John 13:34).

Friday - March 25: Good Friday
Service at 6:30 p.m.

A quiet service of contemplation when the church becomes progressively darker as we remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
Easter Sunday - March 27: Celebration of Christ's Resurrection
Worship Service 10 a.m.

The full joyful celebration of the greatest day on the Church's calendar. We gather because Christ was resurrected. Because He lives, we will live also. Hallelujah!

Ascension Family Pancake Breakfast
8:45-9:45 a.m. - before worship

This Easter Sunday, the Men of Ascension invite worshipers to join in a Pancake Breakfast. Come hungry, bring guests and enjoy a breakfast with your church family and friends.
Volunteer cooks, servers and shoppers are needed! Email us to to let us know you're coming or that you can help!

Adorn the Cross
11 a.m. onward

Bring flowers from your yard or purchase some and help to decorate the cross in the Ascension lawn. This Ascension tradition has given many members a special place for meditation and Easter photos alike!

Christmas Eve

Service at 7:00 p.m.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (601) 956-4263
Send Fax: (601) 206-1318
Email Pastor
Visit Website

About Ascension Lutheran Church

At Ascension, we are Lutheran Christians: we are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. "Evangelical" means gospel, good news. We never tire of proclaiming that the news of Jesus Christ is just that, GOOD news.

Lutherans described themselves as evangelical in those terms from the very beginning of our history in the early 1500s in Germany. For us, the good news is that God in Christ Jesus has done all that is necessary to save us. We respond to that good news in faith. Faith is trust in the person of Christ who has saved us, as Luther wrote, "with his holy and precious blood and his innocent suffering and death."

Finally, we are the Church. Lutheranism began as a reform movement within the Roman Catholic Church. We continue to value the ancient church's worship practices, especially the Eucharist, Holy Communion, in which we gratefully receive Christ's body and blood in the consecrated bread and wine for the forgiveness of our sins, new life and salvation.

Even though the Church is divided into many different groups and denominations, we strive for unity among all Christians, that all of Jesus' disciples may be one, as he prayed for us to be.

So that is who we are: Ascension Lutheran Church. We invite you to join us for worship and introduce yourself to us!

The peace of the risen and ascended but still ever-present Christ be with you always.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information