River Terrace Church

1509 River Ter, East Lansing, Michigan

Christian Reformed churches in East Lansing, Michigan

River Terrace Church, East Lansing, Michigan, United States
Fall Cleanup Day
Winter Blitz
River Terrace Kids
K-1st Grade Sunday School

Location of Worship

1509 River Ter
East Lansing
United States

Service Times

Our first service starts at 9 am and features an adult choir, organ, piano, classic Christian hymns, songs from the broad tradition of the church, and practical and challenging messages based on the Bible.

Our second service starts at 11:15 and features a worship ensemble led by piano, contemporary songs, hymns, spirituals, and practical and challenging messages based on the Bible.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (517)351-9059, ext. 202
Call Office: (517)351-9059, ext. 201
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About River Terrace Church

We are a gathering of people from diverse backgrounds humbly seeking to be:

lovers of God–believing that nothing is more important, more interesting, and more rewarding than this, a deep and abiding relationship with the One who created all things.
followers of Jesus, our Lord–discovering over and over again how his life and his teaching bring us the abundant life for which we were all created.
readers and students of the Bible, the Word of Life–learning anew how the Bible challenges us, changes us, and leads us in the way of Jesus Christ.
thoughtful–seeking both to honor the legacy of faithfulness that has been handed down to us through our roots in the Christian Reformed Church and to renew our understanding of our faith in the light of the Scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
open to all who come to us seeking God–recognizing that the gospel tears down the walls that we have erected between others and ourselves: walls of nationality, race, gender, and denomination.
rich in prayer, worship, joy, and celebration–reminded each week in worship and celebration that God is calling us into the mysteries of deep, intimate, and joyful communion with him and with each other.
a people who put our faith into action–believing that faith is not just something you think but something you live. Therefore, living in the grace and forgiveness of God, we joyfully reach out to others, seeking justice and peace for them.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information