About Seventh Day Adventist Church
The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church , as articulated in the church's mission statement, is to proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angels' messages of Revelation 14:6-12.
The commission of Jesus Christ compels us to lead others to accept Jesus as their personal savior and to unite with His church, and nurture them in preparation for His soon return. That's at the heart of the church's mission and is accomplished through preaching, teaching and healing ministries.
From its inception, the church was intentional to articulate and practice its mission by communicating the message of the gospel throughout the world. The term "global mission" is synonymous with reaching the peoples of the world no matter where they are, and in the context of their lives. Adventists are a global community. Adventists are committed to making education accessible everywhere. At the heart of the Adventist education system is the conviction that every individual should have the opportunity to study and grow.