Vineyard Community Church

8301 Lamar Ave, Overland Park, Kansas

Vineyard USA churches in Overland Park, Kansas

Vineyard Community Church, Overland Park, Kansas, United States
Sunday worship
Thanksgiving Sunday 2017 Photobooth

Location of Worship

8301 Lamar Ave
Overland Park
United States

Service Times

Join us Thursdays at 7pm and Sundays at 9am & 10:45am

At Vineyard Community Church we encourage you to come as you are. We know that we all have our imperfections and struggles. We don’t want you to ever feel like you need to “clean up” your life or change your wardrobe in order to come and hang out at any of our services or gatherings. We’re a diverse group of imperfect people who want to learn more about what it means to have a relationship with God. Our aim is to make you feel right at home.

So come on in, grab a free cup of coffee or tea and relax. We look forward to meeting you!

Adult Worship Services

Parents: You can check your kids into Kid’s City, our amazing space for kids birth through 4th grade, 15 minutes before our services start.

We begin our adult worship services by worshipping God – singing songs to him. You’re invited to join us in singing or you can sit back, listen, and take it all in. The words to all our songs are projected on a large screen in the front of the sanctuary. After about 15 minutes of opening music, one of our pastors will teach a practical message from the bible that’s relevant to our lives. The service wraps up with music and prayer ministry. After the message and during the music, the prayer ministry team is available in front of the sanctuary for anyone who would like to receive personal prayer. We’d love to come alongside and encourage you during this time.

After the service if you have kids in Kids’ City, you can pick them up. There’s always opportunity to hang out, grab more coffee and make some friends.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 913-381-5577
Call Office: 913-381-5577
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Vineyard Community Church

Vineyard Community Church is a community that really does love God and people. It’s a place that believes following Jesus is the best thing ever and that every single person is welcome to experience this relationship. And that learning to love others like Jesus does is something that can only truly happen in a supportive, welcoming community.

What We Believe

Here at VCC, we want to connect people to Jesus. Our vision is to be an authentic community of Christians who live, learn and share the message of Jesus and the Bible.

Our Values

Vineyard is built upon the foundation of the Bible and our theology—how we think about God—and our values, the kinds of ideas and attitudes that we feel are important.


One of the ways that we worship is through music. We use multiple musical styles and songs all with the goal of helping people just like you discover Jesus.


One of the best ways to improve your relationship with God is by connecting to people. Check out our small groups! They are a great way to share life and cultivate friendships.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information