Christ Episcopal Church

(Episcopal church in Burlington, IA)

623 N 5th St, Burlington, Iowa

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Location of Worship

623 N 5th St Burlington Iowa 52601-5029 Jump to map

Service Times

Services every Sunday at 10 a.m. with Holy Rite II

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (319) 752-1381 Call Office: (319) 752-1381 Send Fax: Email Rev. Carl Mann Email Candice Schafer-Schmitz Visit Website

(last updated on the 7th of March, 2023)

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About Christ Episcopal Church

  • Christ Episcopal Church follows the Anglican traditions established from previous generations. We believe in God, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We draw our inspiration through prayer, the Holy Bible, the Gospel and the Book of Common Prayer. We also believe that God is in each of us, that Jesus was both human and divine, and faith is trusting without knowing. As we move forward into the twenty-first century, our membership is open to new ideas and concerns. While there is concern with the serious issues facing the National Church, members have a wide range of thought as well as opinion and shows that Christ Church is open to questioning, learning, and growing.

Christ Episcopal Church Photos


  • Priest in Charge Rev. Carl Mann
  • Phone: (319) 752-1381
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Rev. Carl Mann

Other Church Leaders


  • Church Administrator Candice Schafer-Schmitz
  • Phone: (319) 752-1381
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Candice Schafer-Schmitz

Children and Youth Activities


  • Episcopal Church Women

    The ECW is to unite the women of the church in a program of service and fellowship which will deepen and strengthn their won spiritual lives and lead them into service and the church. We encourage women to be a part of the life of the church, and to utilize their skills through fund raising activities and other events. Our moneymaking projects are two Dessert and Card Parties, a Rummage Sale and a Bazaar. We donate money to the Rector's Discretionary Fund and many charities within our community. We also provide and host Funeral Receptions that we are asked to do within the Church. The ECW also hosts coffee hours when asked and we provide many supplies for the Church kitchen and where needed within the church.

    The Epicopal Church Women meets the 3rd Monday of each month and at which time we enjoy a lunch meeting and have fun making plans four our projects while doing well for the Christ Episcopal Church Commmunity.

    The Altar Guild

    The Altar Guild works together to prepare the Altar for each service and are always looking for new members. This group helps with celebrations of life including weddings and funerals. We place the Pall on the caskets. The Altar Guild also purchases the Altar flowers and vestmants when needed.

Community Activities

  • The Outreach team engages in the ministry that God has called us to do. Reaching out to those in need can be one of the most rewarding thing we can do. Our activities include: serving meals for the Salavation Army; Pennies for Children, where money raised goes feed children locally, nationally, and internationally; Community Picinic in September, celebrating America, and a Valentines Party as well as a Christmas Party which gave pajamas to children involved with Community Action.

Other Information

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  • Adult Congregation:
  • Under 18 Congregation:
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