Chicago Church of Christ

(Church of Christ church in Chicago, IL)

1462 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois

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Location of Worship

1462 S. Michigan Ave Chicago Illinois 60621 Jump to map

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About Chicago Church of Christ

  • At Chicago Church of Christ we are a welcoming and diverse group of individuals, families and couples from in and around Chicago in Illinois . We are committed to helping each other fulfill God's destiny for ourselves and our families so that our homes become healthy, growing and full of love. We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, both universal and local, and is composed of individuals who through faith in Jesus Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. We further believe that Christ Jesus is the Head and Lord of the Church. The mission of the Church is worship, evangelism, discipleship and the nurturing and care of one another.

    We believe that God created human beings, male and female, in his own image. Adam and Eve belonged to the created order that God himself declared to be very good, serving as God's agents to care for, manage, and govern creation, living in holy and devoted fellowship with their Maker. Men and women, equally made in the image of God, enjoy equal access to God by faith in Christ Jesus and are both called to move beyond passive self-indulgence to significant private and public engagement in family, church, and civic life. In the ministry of the church, both men and women are encouraged to serve Christ and to be developed to their full potential in the manifold ministries of the people of God.

    About Pentecost: We believe that since the Day of Pentecost this worldwide body consists of local, autonomous congregations of baptized believers. This local assembly is bound by the faith and fellowship of the gospel and observes the two ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper as given by Christ.

    About Separation of Church and State: We believe that each local church is self-governing, and must be free from interference by any external ecclesiastical or political authority; that every human being is ultimately responsible to God in matters of faith and life; and that each person is free to worship God according to the dictates of his/her conscience. We further believe that governments are established by God; that Christians, as good citizens, should be subject to governing authorities insofar as possible, recognizing our greater allegiance to God and His kingdom in matters wherein human authorities conflict with clear, biblical mandates.


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