About Christ Church
Christ Church is a historic Episcopal church in the Harrisburg neighborhood of Augusta, Georgia. Its the oldest Episcopal church building in Augusta, having been built in 1871 to initially house the Church of the Good Shepherd, which was up the hill in the Summerville neighborhood of Augusta. When Good Shepherd outgrew the church building, they moved, yes moved the entire church down the hill to Harrisburg in 1882 where it has stood ever since.
Christ Church was built initially to serve the millworkers who worked in the mills of Harrisburg which borders the Augusta Canal. Early in the 20th century, the members of Christ Church came together as "the willing workers." They sought out the lost and the poor and introduced them to the Gospel. They built a library, free school for girls, swimming pool for children. Deaconess Ruth Byllesby, who you can read about here, taught Sunday school and helped families with milk money, clothing, and other basic needs during the Great Depression.
As the mills declined and eventually closed, thefamilies of Christ Church moved to other parts of Augusta or surrounding towns. The members never forgot their church: many families return every Sunday to worship at the church they call home.
Today our church is made up of families that have been worshiping here for generations as well as newcomers and everyone in between. We're a small, congregation that honors the historic traditions of Anglican liturgy (Rite I Holy Eucharist every Sunday), and lives the Gospel (through our Soup Kitchen, Food Pantry and Medical Clinic), all the time creating and nurturing friendships with our fellow parishioners.
We have services every Sunday at 10:00 am and special services as announced. While our liturgy is formal, we're anything but, and we always enjoy meeting new friends.
If you'd like more information about Christ Church and to see what's going on at the church, check out our main website.