Calvary Church

16435 SW 117th Ave, Miami, Florida

Non Denominational churches in Miami, Florida

Calvary Church, Miami, Florida, United States
Calvary Church, Miami, Florida, United States
Sunday worship
Easter Sunday 2021
2021 Christmas Eve

Location of Worship

16435 SW 117th Ave
United States

Service Times


SUNDAY | 9AM | 11AM | 1PM | 6PM
16435 SW 117th Ave, Miami, FL 33177

Miami Arts Charter School
95 NW 23rd St, Miami, FL 33127

John A Ferguson Senior High School
15900 SW 56th St, Miami, FL 33185

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 305-233-5433
Email Pastor
Visit Website

About Calvary Church


Bringing people to life, through the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Jesus is the Center of our Lives

People are the Cause of our Church

Generosity is the Catalyst to our Vision

Excellence is the Culture of our House

Legacy is our Commitment to the next Generation


We believe that Calvary will be a home where we will express the love and grace of God to the world around us. A Church dependent on the Spirit of God to always lead, breathe, and grace us for such a time as this. Where anyone can come--just as they are.

We believe we will be a Church full of God’s Spirit, gathering to celebrate Jesus Christ. We will meet across multiple locations with continual growth and take new ground with a spirit of generosity to build His Church. We will be a Church where the Gospel is proclaimed and where people will always respond by deciding to follow Jesus.

We believe that the spirit of our Church will be one of praise, full of excitement, energy, and expectation. Our Church will be full of contagious worship, its songs rising to declare who God is and becoming anthems of freedom, encouragement, and hope, reminding all people that God is with us, for us, and on our side.

We believe that we will be a Church that will use all means of communication and technology to share the Gospel with hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. We will be an innovative Church whose creatives use their gifts, talents, and platforms to lift up the name of Jesus, and become an influence in our city and nation.

We believe that our Church will be a community that meets in thousands of groups in every part of our city. We will connect, bridge divides, and form circles where all can belong. These groups will create bonds lasting a lifetime between people who know that life is better together and that, in this journey, we are never alone.

We believe that our Church will be known for its love and care for Miami. We will develop initiatives to serve and assist those in need locally and globally. We will be on the front line against injustice and human trafficking through ministries like Embrace, and we believe that we will have a house where we can serve and show love for survivors and help restore their lives.

We believe that we will be a Church where everyone can get planted and flourish, a church of disciples committed to grow in their faith, knowledge, and understanding. We will be a Church that encourages people, through classes, courses, and conferences, to take the next step in their journey of faith.

We believe that Calvary will have a leadership development program where thousands will come to be encouraged, prepared, and equipped. We will help leaders who will go out locally and globally to further advance the Gospel of Jesus. Our Church will always be filled with vision for the future. Calvary will exist to empower and raise up the next generation to be everything God has called them to be. We are committed to leaving a legacy beyond ourselves as the younger and older generations unite to help one another.

We believe it will be a place for all to call home.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information