Mt Calvary Lutheran Church

5105 N 7th Ave, Phoenix, Arizona

Lutheran churches in Phoenix, Arizona

Mt Calvary Lutheran Church, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Church sign
The Holy Eucharist is celebrated at every gathering at Mt Calvary
Easter 2011
Mt Calvary baptism

Location of Worship

5105 N 7th Ave
United States

Service Times

Sunday Services

10:18 AM Holy Eucharist* in English
12:00 NOON Worship in the Kunama language

*Holy Eucharist = God coming to us with His Holy Word and Sacraments, aka: The Mass, Communion Service, Liturgy of Word and Sacrament (check out a recent sermon)

Lenten Services

Wednesday evening at 7:00PM with the Holy Eucharist* in English
Adult Bible Class at 0900 in the Church Sanctuary

Mid Week Bible Study Wednesdays @ 0930 on individual Bible books.

This group meets in the Church Lounge, and is led by Pastor Del King

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (602) 263-0402
Send Fax: (602) 263-0403
Email Pastor
Visit Website

About Mt Calvary Lutheran Church

Our congregation has worshipers of all ages, with many elderly and usually around a dozen small children (though this varies a lot on any given Sunday). Our worship is "liturgical" meaning that there is a sequence to our service that actually makes a lot of sense once you catch on to it. Think of it like this: if you have never been to a soccer game, you might be confused about what the players are doing on the field. Once you learn the rules and roles, it makes a lot more sense. Our worship is a lot like that: we are not going to "dumb down" our worship so it makes sense, but would rather teach you about why we do what we do....please be patient and ask questions when you have them. The Pastors will be happy to explain the "why" and "how" of our 2,000 year practices.

We love having children in the Church, and when your little one is having an inevitable "meltdown" there are places near the restooms where kids can get it together and then return. We actually find that kids do better at the front of the Church where they can see what's going on.

Folks at Mt Calvary dress a variety of ways: some are traditional "dress up", most dress casual. Our teens dress modestly, avoiding explicit sexual or drug/alcohol T-shirts. Jeans are fine for all ages.

Liturgical worship does involve standing and sitting. Directions regarding standing or sitting are in the worship folder, or you can just do what everyone else is doing, as you are able.

Liturgical worship is also participatory with the congregation responding verbally and singing. Our singing is accompanied by an excellent pipe organ or piano. If your ears are sensitive, you should probably sit on the opposite side of the church from the organ.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information