Shepherd of the River Church

(Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ - LCMC church in New London, WI)

616 W Wolf River Ave, New London, Wisconsin

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Location of Worship

616 W Wolf River Ave New London Wisconsin 54961 Jump to map

Service Times

Sundays at 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Our doors are open to anyone looking for a relationship with Jesus and fellowship.

For those that are uncomfortable with attending in person, we will be providing a live stream on Facebook.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 920-249-4774 Call Office: Send Fax: Email Larry Bong Visit Website

(last updated on the 31st of January, 2021)

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About Shepherd of the River Church

  • Our philosophy: Walking with Christ, Guided by God's Written Word

    Pastor Larry believes in building a community with Christ. Letting Jesus' light shine through him, in hopes of helping people walk with Jesus. The belief is that with Jesus, anything is possible; anyone can be saved from the darkness that surrounds us in our daily lives. The relationship with Him is what is important. Jesus provides us with a beacon of hope.

    A Different Kind of Lutheran Church.

    Since Martin Luther established the need for the church to be a pathway to God and not an obstacle, Lutheran churches have been a wonderful part of American culture. Our goal at Shepherd of the River is to not only continue that tradition, but to also reach for what Jesus has for us today.

    At Shepherd of the River our desire is to be a congregation in relationship with a Living God. We believe if the tomb is empty, our hearts can be full. We want more than the politics of religion and the stress of doing. We want to hear God's voice, know God's will and walk in God's plan. We want more than a cross, we seek a resurrection.

Shepherd of the River Church Photos


  • Pastor Larry Bong
  • Phone: 920-249-4774
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Larry Bong

Other Church Leaders


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  • Fax:

Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
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Shepherd of the River Church Location Map

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