Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church

(Evangelical Lutheran church in Atlantic Beach, NC)

201 E Fort Macon Rd, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina

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Location of Worship

201 E Fort Macon Rd Atlantic Beach North Carolina 28512-5415 Jump to map

Service Times

Please Join us for Worship at 10AM

There are three different ways to participate:
1. Join us in the sanctuary or narthex socially distanced
* We ask that all who participate indoors sign in at the register, and that EVERYONE wear a mask at all times when indoors.

2. Come and park in our lot and listen to a live broadcast of our service Sundays on 101.5 FM (Broadcast range is approx. 1000 feet). Holy Communion will be brought out to each car, weather permitting.

3. Our service is also live streamed on our Facebook page.

Covid Worship Update:

The Covid variant is HERE in Carteret County. As of July 31, 2021, we are a substantial area of infection. We return to our former Covid protocols for worship: masking for all, distancing, less singing, etc. EVERYONE please wear a mask! An email has been sent with the Covid protocols. Thank you for loving your neighbor!

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 252- 726-7465 Call Office: Send Fax: Email Judy Tavela Visit Website

(last updated on the 21st of September, 2021)

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About Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church

  • Our mission here at Shepherd of the Sea is to:

    * Glorify the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
    * Share God's love and grace with the world
    * Be nurtured through Word and Sacrament
    * Grow in faith and fellowship
    * Share the bounty of God's love
    * Reach out to all lives in the community and the world

    Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

    Jesus issued the invitation to, "Come and See!" (John 1:39) and we do the same. Come and see how warm and welcoming the folks at Shepherd of the Sea are. Come and experience Christ-centered worship with Holy Communion. Come and find rest and renewal that feeds God's people.

    No matter what your situation in life, we invite you to come and see. If you are a lifelong Lutheran or just curious about Lutherans, if you make your home at the Crystal Coast or are just down on vacation, we welcome you.

    Our church is for all saints and sinners who feel called to a closer relationship with God. As Christians who are saved by grace through faith, we proclaim the good news of Jesus to the world!

Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church Photos


  • Pastor Judy Tavela
  • Phone: 252- 726-7465
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Judy Tavela

Other Church Leaders


  • Phone:
  • Fax:

Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information

  • Parking:
  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
  • Other Information:

Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church Location Map

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