Christ Episcopal Church

(Episcopal church in Grand Rapids, MN)

520 N Pokegama Ave, Grand Rapids, Minnesota

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Location of Worship

520 N Pokegama Ave Grand Rapids Minnesota 55744 Jump to map

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Contact Info

Call Pastor: (218) 326-6279 Call Office: Send Fax: Email Jeanne Rasmussen - Rector Visit Website

(last updated on the 6th of March, 2016)

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About Christ Episcopal Church

  • Christ Episcopal Church is a diverse church family. We are a church with a great history, but an even brighter future as we seek to reach out through helping people become disciples of Jesus. We believe that our church is not just a place to go, but a people to join as a community. We welome you to Christ Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, Minnesota in Jesus' name.

    We believe that, moved by love and in obedience to his Father, the eternal Son became human: the Word became flesh, fully God and fully human being, one Person in two natures. The man Jesus, the promised Messiah of Israel, was conceived through the miraculous agency of the Holy Spirit, and was born of the virgin Mary. He perfectly obeyed his heavenly Father, lived a sinless life, performed miraculous signs, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead on the third day, and ascended into heaven. As the mediatorial King, he is seated at the right hand of God the Father, exercising in heaven and on earth all of God's sovereignty, and is our High Priest and righteous Advocate. We believe that by his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus Christ acted as our representative and substitute. He did this so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

    About Religious Liberty: God alone is Lord of the conscience, and He has left it free from the doctrines and commandments of men which are contrary to His Word or not contained in it. Church and state should be separate. The state owes to every church protection and full freedom in the pursuit of its spiritual ends. In providing for such freedom no ecclesiastical group or denomination should be favored by the state more than others.

    About Tenacity: Never give up - A river cuts through rock, not because of its power but because of its perseverance. 'Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus... who for the joy set before him endured the cross... so you will not grow weary and lose heart' - Hebrews 12:1-3


  • Jeanne Rasmussen - Rector
  • Phone: (218) 326-6279
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  • Email: Email Jeanne Rasmussen - Rector

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