About Mount Hope Lutheran Church
Many of you who are visiting this page already know Jesus, and are familiar with the precepts of Christianity. If, however, the language of formal "doctrinal creeds" seems a bit strange or foreign to you, please be reassured - your uncertainty, doubt and skepticism are openly received here at Mount Hope Lutheran Church in Evergreen, Colorado. As an expression of that welcome, we have outlined below some of the core concepts of our faith, in order to provide you with some simple reference points as you visit among us. We hope these will be 'conversation starters' and that you will halp us move the Christian conversation forwards.
We believe that spiritual practices like prayer, reading the Bible, participating in weekly Connect Groups, and tithing are vital to our faith. We encourage each other in this things. We believe that this faith community is a movement and will continue to plant new sites to serve diverse neighborhoods in Evergreen, Colorado. Don't stop. Never stop.
About Jesus Christ: We believe that in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus Christ accomplished salvation for sinners. In His life, He kept God's law on our behalf. In His death, He suffered as our substitute and satisfied the divine wrath we deserved. He took our guilt upon Himself and credited His righteousness to our account. In His resurrection, we receive newness of life now and eternal life to come. In His ascension, He poured out the Holy Spirit on His church and He continually intercedes for us. This entire salvation is the free and gracious work of God alone.
About Separation of Church and State: We believe that each local church is self-governing, and must be free from interference by any external ecclesiastical or political authority; that every human being is ultimately responsible to God in matters of faith and life; and that each person is free to worship God according to the dictates of his/her conscience. We further believe that governments are established by God; that Christians, as good citizens, should be subject to governing authorities insofar as possible, recognizing our greater allegiance to God and His kingdom in matters wherein human authorities conflict with clear, biblical mandates.