About Front Range Alliance Church
The purpose of Front Range Alliance Church is to love and glorify God by presenting everyone complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28). We believe that mature Christians, by the grace of God, will accomplish the ministry that the Lord Jesus has given to the church. Children will be nurtured in the Lord, the gospel will be preached, missionaries will be sent, churches will be planted, and believers will do all to the glory of God, as the church grows up in the faith.
The inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture.
The expositional teaching and preaching of the whole counsel of God.
The shepherding of God’s people by elders.
The promotion of evangelism and missions.
The practice of God-centered, believer-oriented worship on the Lord’s day.
The necessity of corporate and private prayer in all things.
The preservation of the gospel which is salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.