Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore

(Calvary Chapel church in Lake Elsinore, CA)

107 N. Riley St, Lake Elsinore, California

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Location of Worship

107 N. Riley St Lake Elsinore California 92530 Jump to map

Service Times

On Sundays

Sunday Services at 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30am.

Children's Ministry at the 10:00am service
Nursery - 6th grade
Youth Group at the 10:00am service
For 6th - 12th grade, meets after worship with the adults

Spanish Language Church at 11:30am.
Meets in the Gatehouse.

During The Week

Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 7:00pm

Men's Bible Study
Tuesday at 7:00pm
Online and In-Person.

Prayer Meeting
Tuesday at 7:00pm
In the Coffee Bar

Women's Ministry
Thursday Bible Study
9:30am & 6:30pm

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 951-674-5451 Call Office: 951-674-5451 Send Fax: 951-245-2721 Email Steve Wright Email Dave Morrow Visit Website

(last updated on the 2nd of February, 2025)

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About Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore

  • Our Statement of Faith

    Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore is simply a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, who gather together to worship Him.

    Our desire is to know Him better, and to be conformed into His image by the teaching of His Word and by the power of His Holy Spirit.

    We believe:

    The only true basis for Christian fellowship is God's love, through a relationship with His Son Jesus Christ, as revealed in his Word.

    We believe:

    Worship of God should be... in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. John 4:23


    We want to remain flexible so that the Holy Spirit may direct our worship.

    We want to emphasize the teaching of the Bible so that we may know God in truth, and allow Him to instruct us as to how He would be worshiped.

    We want to allow a great emphasis on music in our worship so that it would be inspirtational and we may ...sing to Him a new song. Psalm 33:3

    We want our worship to bear the fruit of God's love in our lives as a result of meeting with Him on His terms.

    We believe:

    The Bible is the Word of God and without error in all issues to which it speaks. It is our authority in all areas of doctrine and life.

    There is one God, eternal, a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three persons of the one Godhead share equally, fully, and simultaneously in all the attributes of God. God is the Creator of the universe and all things within it.

    The eternal Son, Jesus Christ, took on humanity by means of the virgin birth. He was born sinless, and lived a sinless life. He died as the sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. He physically rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. He will someday return and setup His kingdom upon the earth.

    The first man, Adam, was created by God sinless, but chose to disobey God’s command, bringing sin and death upon himself and a curse to this world. As a result, all individuals since are born with a sinful nature, separated from God, and in need of salvation.

    Salvation is a gift of God’s grace through personal faith in Jesus Christ. The gospel describes this saving faith as belief in Jesus’ death for one’s sins, and belief in His resurrection. After death, those who have believed the gospel will live forever in the heavenly presence of God, while those who have not believed the gospel will be separated from God in hell for all eternity for their sins.

    The moment one sincerely believes the gospel, he/she is born again, and only then is truly a Christian. All Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, and should seek to live a holy life, pleasing to God. Although a Christian may sin, these sins are still forgiven by God on the merits of Jesus Christ. However, the evidence of true salvation will show itself in the growth and development of a Godly lifestyle under the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.

Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore Photos


  • Pastor Steve Wright
  • Phone: 951-674-5451
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Steve Wright

Other Church Leaders


  • Administrator Dave Morrow
  • Phone: 951-674-5451
  • Fax: 951-245-2721
  • Email: Email Dave Morrow

Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Adult Congregation:
  • Under 18 Congregation:
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