Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church

(Lutheran church in Page, AZ)

331 S Lake Powell Blvd, Page, Arizona

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Location of Worship

331 S Lake Powell Blvd Page Arizona 86040-0343 Jump to map

Service Times

Regular Sunday church services, with Holy Communion, are at 10 a.m.

Pastor and the Elders suggest the following guidelines, in accordance with the CDC and LCMS guidelines.

Stay home if you are feeling sick.
Please wear a face mask upon entering and exiting the sanctuary. Wearing a mask, while seated in your individual pew, may be optional, depending on your comfort level.
Hand sanitizer will be available in several locations in the sanctuary and other rooms. Please use liberally.
If you are at a higher risk for illness, or have an underlying medical condition, please do everything within your means to protect yourself. Please consider getting vaccinated!
Social distance from other worshippers, unless you are in the same family.
Please sit as a family unit in your pew, and use at least every other row of pews as a buffer. Please also keep the pew in front of you empty so the Pastor can bring communion to you and your family if you do not want to come to the altar.
The pulpit, lectern and altar are a safe distance from worshippers and masks will not be worn by the Pastor or reader(s).
Please take your worship bulletin home with you; it can be very useful in your devotions during the week.

Call Pastor Tom for more information, 480-862-5048.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 480-862-5048 Call Office: 928-645-0078 Send Fax: Email Rev. Thomas P. Henkes Email Donna Johnson Visit Website

(last updated on the 17th of March, 2022)

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About Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church

  • Shepherd of the Desert is a living church rooted in Page, Arizona striving to be an outpost of service to our community and the world.

    As we see it, church is not a building, not a club, and not a clique of friends with exclusive ideas. We are a welcoming group of people at varying levels of maturity on the road to becoming real followers of Jesus Christ.

    This means we don't claim perfection. On the contrary, we give thanks for grace, mercy, and forgiveness in our endeavors. We experience and celebrate the positive change that comes from a relationship with our living Lord Jesus.

    We have as our mission: Sharing Christ, Changing Lives! We do the sharing, God does the work! If you're looking for positive change, become part of our church family!

Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church Photos


  • Pastor Rev. Thomas P. Henkes
  • Phone: 480-862-5048
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Rev. Thomas P. Henkes

Other Church Leaders


  • Administrator Donna Johnson
  • Phone: 928-645-0078
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Donna Johnson

Children and Youth Activities

  • Shepherd Preschool - Page, Arizona
    (928) 645-9398
    Director - Donna Johnson
    [email protected]

    Shepherd Preschool, located at 331 S. Lake Powel Blvd., is an early childhood education service project of Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church. The Preschool, founded in 1984, provides a secular and Christian early socialization and learning experience for children between the ages of three and five. The Preschool is a stand-alone 501(C)(3) nonprofit.

    Classes are held year-round, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and follow the Page Unified School District calendar during the regular school year, observing all public school holidays and in-service days. Shepherd Preschool also offers a modified summer learning experience, June and July.

    Any child who has reached his/her third or fourth birthday by September 1 of the year of enrollment is welcomed. Children must be completely toilet trained. Classes are limited to 24 students, or fewer. Parents or guardians must complete required forms, provided by the Preschool, prior to school attendance. A fee schedule also is available from the Preschool, and Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church members’ children receive a fee discount. A $25 non-refundable registration fee is charged at the time of registration.


    The Shepherd Preschool program, licensed by the State of Arizona and the Arizona Department of Health Services (CDC-1433), is a proud participant in the Arizona Quality First project. The secular and Christian education program encompasses all areas of childhood development, including coordination and muscle activity, social interaction, Biblical teachings, music, art, community service and science through a variety of activities. Our goals are to:

    1. involve the child in activities that increase overall communication, creativity and knowledge that promote discovery;
    2. help and encourage the child to grow in positive self-awareness;
    3. supply basic religious knowledge about God and His world;
    4. provide an environment in which the child can develop social relationships with other children;
    5. develop physical and motor skills; and
    6. introduce the child to basic knowledge and numbers.

    Call today to learn more! (928) 645-9398


Community Activities

Other Information

  • Parking:
  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
  • Other Information:

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